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ジャクリン パン (Jacqueline Pang)

Partner, Trade Mark Attorney


Our People

Our IP specialists work at all stage of the IP life cycle and provide strategic advice about patent, trade mark and registered designs, as well as any IP-related disputes and legal and commercial requirements.

News & Insights

We want to keep you up to date with developments in the IP world and let you know what we are up to at Mewburn Ellis.

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We believe in making it easy for you to find the information that you want – and you can always contact us if you can’t find what you need.

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Blogs by Author



•    国際商標登録出願戦略
•    外国への商標登録出願および中間処理
•    英国知的財産庁における異議申立
•    ドメイン名紛争解決手続




ロンドンスクールオブエコノミクスアンドポリティカルサイエンスで法学士号を、ケンブリッジ大学で法学修士号を取得。ミューバン エリスには2011年に入社。2014年に英国商標弁理士としての資格を取得。2016年に米国企業に出向。2019年にパートナーに昇格。

定期的に中国を訪問し、中国商標年会(China Trademark Festival)に参加。


2015年から毎年Who’s Who Legalで認定。また、2022~2023年版Legal 500で「重要な弁理士」と認定。

2023年版WTR 1000のイギリス:イングランド部門で推薦。

2023年版WTR 1000: "Jacqueline provides detailed trademark advice on an international scale. She is highly responsive, friendly and produces excellent, precise and thorough work in a timely manner.”

“You are fantastic to work with and provide excellent and timely answers, so thank you again for all of your help” – 米国の法律事務所

“I have to say thank you for your cooperation to our everyday’s (sic) work […] I appreciate your deep and accurate comments.” – 日本の法律事務所

2021年版WTR 1000: "Jacqueline has unique insight into how US firms and companies operate, and a keen appreciation of what they are looking for in a UK and EU firm. She has a level of confidence and experience beyond her years, which shows in her fantastic client service skills and solid business understanding"