Achieving success in oppositions at the European Patent Office is critical for any innovation-oriented business seeking commercial advantage and growth. Having advised thousands of clients on their EPO opposition strategies for many years, we are acutely aware that successful oppositions and appeals require not only deep technical expertise and knowledge of the subject matter under scrutiny, but a forensic understanding of the evolving procedural aspects of the EPO process and timeline.
Our 30 plus-strong life sciences team of highly experienced patent attorneys has an enviable track record in patent oppositions and appeals, having successfully defended and attacked hundreds of patents.
We defend more complex opposition cases in the life sciences space than any other UK IP firm and handled three of the top ten most opposed patent cases in 2018. We have an enormous amount of experience handling multi-party oppositions and are adept at dealing with the complexities of oppositions at the EPO, regardless of the number of opponents.
Our expertise in life sciences is unrivalled when it comes to opposing patents and our enviable success rate speaks for itself. Only 7.4% of all patents that we have opposed over the last 15 years have been maintained as granted. That's significantly better than the EPO’s 15-year average of 24.6%. Our figures are even more impressive when it comes to appeals, where on average only 2.7% of patents that we have opposed have been maintained as granted, compared to the EPO’s average of 11.9%.
Our success rate is similarly impressive when we look at the proportion of patents that are completely revoked following an opposition handled by us, with 46.1% of all patents that we have opposed over the last 15 years having been revoked. Again, this is significantly better than the EPO average of 37.3%. These figures get even better following an appeal, with 59.3% of patents we’ve opposed having been revoked completely compared to the EPO average of 46.4%.
*Source: Statistics provided by IpQuants AG