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Charlotte Lynch

Charlotte Lynch

Our People

Charlotte Lynch

Associate, Patent Attorney



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Charlotte is a patent attorney working as part of our engineering and ICT team. She is experienced in working at all stages of the patent application process. She has also been involved in broader commercial strategy projects, for example analysing competitor patent activity.

Charlotte has a keen interest in medical technologies, especially those in the “FemTech” sector which are designed to support women’s health. She has particular experience arguing in favour of the patentability of computer-implemented inventions at the European patent office, including those directed towards artificial intelligence (AI) and its application to fields such as bioinformatics and digital health.

Areas of Expertise

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
  • Applications of AI, particularly in the fields of bioinformatics and digital health
  • Computer software, and computer-implemented inventions
  • FemTech
  • Medical technologies, including medical devices
  • Optics and laser physics


Charlotte has a first class Master’s Degree in Physics from Durham University. Her master’s project focussed on OCT (optical coherence tomography) systems, which have applications in medical imaging.

Charlotte joined Mewburn Ellis in 2020. In 2024 she qualified as both a Chartered UK Patent Attorney and a European Patent Attorney.