We are excited to announce that after a vote, our Cambridge office have chosen East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH) as their charity of choice for 2020-2022.
EACH offers care and support for children and young people with life-threatening conditions and supports families across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. They offer families flexibility and control over where they receive their care and support, including where their child dies; at home, in hospital or at one of three hospices at Milton (Cambridge), The Nook (Norfolk) and The Treehouse (Ipswich).
Mewburn Ellis are targeting support at their short break care programme and through our donation we could fund up to 15 shot break care sessions right now. These are delivered in the hospice, the community ort the family home and aim to ease the pressure of caring for a child or young person 24/7. This allows parents to recharge, safe in the knowledge that their child is receiving expert care and attention. You can find out more about what this means to EACH in their Thank You Letter.
We plan to do more to and hope to fundraise in our Cambridge office to raise further funds. Every £1,000 we raise could provide another short break and so we hope to enable more children and young people to benefit from these sessions. We also have plans when its safe to do so to visit the EACH site in Milton and volunteer for the day helping with maintenance and gardening and hopefully generally making ourselves useful! You can track our fundraising progress on our Just Giving page.
“EACH are so pleased to be benefitting from the support of Mewburn Ellis! Their generosity will help us care for local-life-threatened children and their families, during this challenging time and beyond. We cannot wait to work with them over the next two years.” – Lottie Driver, Corporate Fundraiser at EACH
Maria is the firm’s Chief Commercial Officer and a member of the Management Board. She is responsible for all marketing and business development at the firm. Maria is also heavily involved in the Forward Community Programme at the firm and is the ESG Lead. She was previously Group Marketing Director at an international IP firm and before that Marketing Director for a full service European law firm. Other roles have included Head of Marketing at the world’s largest IP services provider and Account Director for a full service marketing agency.
Email: maria.hall@mewburn.com
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