The first enlargement of the UPC and Unitary Patent (UP) territory will happen on 1 September 2024, when Romania’s ratification of the UPC Agreement enters into force.
Any UPs that are registered at the EPO on or after 1 September 2024 will cover eighteen countries: Romania and the seventeen countries that have been included since the UP/UPC system went live on 1 June 2023.
The deadline for requesting registration of a UP is one month after the grant date of the underlying European patent. However, in cases where this 1-month deadline expires before 1 September 2024, the EPO has announced that it will provide the option to delay the date of registration until “on or shortly after” 1 September 2024. Patentees who want to register a recently granted European patent as a UP covering Romania need to include a request for delayed registration with their UP request. Note that the UP request must nevertheless be filed by the normal 1 month deadline.
The EPO announcement is here.
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Eliot handles a diverse client portfolio spanning the life sciences sector and a growing practice in the cross-over space between physics and biology. A skilled patent prosecutor, Eliot also has wide experience of drafting patent applications on breakthrough technologies, as well as leading offensive and defensive opposition proceedings post-grant. Eliot is also experienced in handling Freedom to Operate projects and in performing due diligence, which have led to the successful completion of high value transactions and investment rounds.
Email: eliot.ward@mewburn.com
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