
Improvement of crop and ornamental species by genetic modification or modern breeding techniques remains a significant area of innovation. Mewburn Ellis are delighted to be able to assist clients at the frontiers of plant science realise the fruits of their research.

Our specialised and expert plant bioscience team understand the toolkit of approaches which can be used to protect innovation in this area applying a flexible approach which can adapt to the shifting landscape. Whether in marker-assisted breeding, computational genomics, transgenic engineering, or gene-editing approaches such as CRISPR technology, the team draws on a wealth of experience on both the legal and laboratory sides of plant science. We have a deep understanding of the technology, and bring the legal skills to draft and prosecute applications which capture the core commercially valuable aspects. At the same time, we are always aware that new developments have the power to completely revolutionise the field, and can draw on our expertise to develop innovative new strategies as required.

The legal landscape around plant-related inventions and technologies is constantly developing and, especially given recent developments across Europe, can sometimes seem like it never stops shifting. Our team of bold commentators are highly attuned to these developments and are committed to aiding our clients over these hurdles to secure robust and commercially useful protection for their inventions. We also draw on this experience to future-proof applications, providing contingencies however legal practice may develop worldwide.

As well as patents and trademarks, our specialist team can help in obtaining Plant Variety Rights (PVRs) and National Listings in both the UK and Europe. For many new plants, the PVR approach allows better protections than the patent route, however the task of taking a variety through to grant can be daunting. Our team have the requisite training and expertise to guide clients through this process.

For more information see our pages Plant Variety Rights (PVRs) and Plant Variety Rights and Patents for Plant-Related Inventions.

Open pages of Green IP Report

Green IP Report

Patents are both a driver and a barometer of innovation

Our report examines the role of patents in making innovative ‘green’ technologies into a reality as well as how the patent landscape can be used to identify opportunities for partnering, collaboration and investment.

We share our enthusiasm and admiration for commercially-focused innovation across a diverse range of technologies, from repurposing carbon dioxide to make protein-rich foods, to the multi-faceted approach to a circular plastics economy. We also discuss the tantalising prospect of AI-mediated renewable energy supply, and the harnessing of battery tech from the EV boom to drive energy efficiency in consumer devices. This report reflects our passion for technology solutions that tackle our shared global challenge. 

Read our Blogs

HutanBio: algae is the fuel of the future

HutanBio: algae is the fuel of the future

by Simon Kremer

Algae converts sunlight and carbon dioxide into flammable hydrocarbons, offering a like-for-like replacement for fossil fuels.

Cellular Agriculture – Innovating through the Challenges

Cellular Agriculture – Innovating through the Challenges

by Nick Sutcliffe

The last year (2023) has seen a difficult environment for Cellular Agriculture (Cell Ag) companies working to commercialise cultivated meat.

Blooming bright! Bioluminescent plant set to brighten up flower beds across the US

Blooming bright! Bioluminescent plant set to brighten up flower beds across the US

by Amelia Jones

The green fingered among us take great pride in our blossoming gardens and house plants; those, like me, with less of a knack for it at the very least appreciate our public green spaces. Soon, all ...

European Parliament votes to endorse plants bred using New Genomic Techniques

European Parliament votes to endorse plants bred using New Genomic Techniques

by Sarah Harvey

7 February 2024 marked a milestone for plant science as the European Parliament (EP) voted to endorse plants bred using New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) such as CRISPR. The EP has been looking more ...

Hydrogels in sustainable agriculture

Hydrogels in sustainable agriculture

by Sarah Harvey

As we move into 2024, the agricultural sector is being driven by the urgent need to address global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and the demand to feeding a growing global ...

UK regulators decide preferred approach to precision bred crops

UK regulators decide preferred approach to precision bred crops

by Sarah Harvey

Yesterday (Wednesday 20 September 2023), the Food Standards Agency board decided on their preferred approach for the authorisation route for precision bred food and feed in the UK. This approach ...

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Mewburn Ellis


Mewburn Ellis Forward is a biannual publication that celebrates the best of innovation and exploration. Through its pages we hope to inform and entertain, but also to encourage discussion about the most compelling developments taking place in the scientific and entrepreneurial world. Along the way, we’ll engage with the IP challenges that international organisations face every day.