IP protection for


With advances in technologies such as cloud computing, the internet of things, AI/machine learning, block chain and quantum computing,  software is continuing to change the world we live in at a rapid pace.

Patent protection, when available, can be an extremely useful tool for securing strong IP protection for new software-related developments. However, patent protection for software is not always possible, owing in part to complex patent eligibility rules which determine when software is/isn’t patentable. In some cases, forms of IP other than patents (e.g. copyright, trade secrets) can be a more effective route for protecting software.

In view of the complicated legal framework that exists around software inventions, a company looking to secure protection for new software-related developments needs sound advice to build an IP position that best suits their business goals. Here at Mewburn Ellis, we have the technical and legal expertise needed to help our clients achieve this.

Visitors to this page who have a particular interest in AI/machine learning or quantum computing may additionally want to visit our separate team pages focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Technology.

Patenting Software in Europe – What you Really Need to Consider

There is a common misconception that it isn’t possible to patent software. In fact, it is possible to obtain European patent protection for a new software development, provided it can be shown that the new software solves a “technical problem” in a non-obvious manner

The law in this area is complex (we’ve written an in-depth study here), and as such there is ultimately no substitute for talking with us about what you are looking to achieve in terms of IP protection for software, in view of your business model and goals. Nonetheless, here are five key things you should be thinking about if you are looking to secure patent protection for some newly developed software:

Consider what elements of the software are new, and whether any of those new elements help to solve a technical problem

If your software helps to solve a technical problem associated with the running of a computer system (e.g. helping it run more quickly, reliably or securely) or solves a technical problem external to a computer system (e.g. improving the control of an external apparatus), then there is a good prospect that the European patent office will view the software as being potentially patentable. If, on the other hand, the software solves a non-technical problem (e.g. solving a business-related problem), then patent protection in Europe is unlikely to be available (even if the software is based on an original idea). 

If you’re struggling to determine what might be viewed as “technical”, then seek help!

The European patent office has always resisted providing clear guidance on what is/isn’t “technical”, so it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether a “technical problem” has been solved by some newly developed software. We have a great deal of experience in assessing patent eligibility, and are happy to help with this.

If the invention is based on a business/administrative idea, think twice

It’s not impossible to get patent protection in the context of a business/administrative process, but it’s rare, so you should seek advice before proceeding. Again, we are happy to help.

Think carefully about jurisdictions

Not all patent offices in Europe handle software inventions in the same way. For example, the UK Intellectual Property Office (“UKIPO”) has a very restrictive approach to assessing the patentability of software inventions which is demonstrably out of step with the European Patent Office (“EPO”). These differences can be leveraged by savvy applicants to maximise patent protection for their software, by selecting jurisdictions according to the nature of the software that has been developed. We have expertise in this area, so are well placed to assist with forming a patent strategy that takes into account jurisdictional differences. 

Consider whether other forms of IP protection might suffice

Although patents can be a powerful tool for protecting a new software development, they can be expensive and are not always the optimum choice. We have written a guide to IP protection for software products that explains various forms of IP protection for software. For example, copyright can be used to stop others from copying your source code, without the significant expense associated with the patenting process. Trade secrets are another option which can be used to protect source code that is hidden from public view. We have the expertise to help you take these other forms of IP protection into account, when devising an IP strategy for your business.

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IP Protection for software-based products - An Introduction for SMEs

Campaign Resource Booklet

Led by James Leach, this booklet explores the different types of IP protection available for software-based products and provide practical guidance on how these different forms of IP can be used to provide meaningful protection. We also look at how to go about developing an IP strategy that fits with your company’s business model and goals. 

Fixed-fee patent eligibility opinions on software patents

Patent applications for inventions relating to software can sometimes run into problematic patent eligibility objections at the EPO. By using our  fixed-fee opinion service, it is possible to get a considered view on whether a proposed European patent filing will encounter such an objection, before incurring the significant costs associated with filing a European patent application.

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Software Report Mock-Up

Software Inventions: UKIPO and EPO approaches to patent eligibility

Special Report

It is well-known that it can be challenging to obtain patent protection for inventions relating to software in Europe. Indeed, it is common for software developers to assume that European patent protection is not available for their innovations

In this report we take a close look at whether the European Patent Office (“EPO”) and the UK Intellectual Property Office (“UKIPO”) handle software inventions differently. We also reveal some strategic insights that we think will be of benefit to companies seeking patent protection for software inventions in the UK and Europe.

Read our Software Blogs

Emotional Perception AI v UKIPO: Is this the dawning of a new era for AI-related inventions at the UKIPO?

Emotional Perception AI v UKIPO: Is this the dawning of a new era for AI-related inventions at the UKIPO?

by Alex Burns

On 21 November 2023, Mann J handed down his judgment on Emotional Perception AI Ltd v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks [2023] EWHC 2948 (Ch)i, relating to the patentability of ...

IP Protection for software-based products- An Introduction for SMEs

IP Protection for software-based products- An Introduction for SMEs

by James Leach

We are excited to launch our new software resource booklet — 'IP Protection for software-based products - An Introduction for SMEs'.

Gene sequencing accelerates with custom hardware

Gene sequencing accelerates with custom hardware

by Alex Burns

The cost to sequence a genome continues to drop exponentially. Over the past 20 years, the cost to sequence a human genome has dropped from the estimated $3 billion of the Human Genome Project, to a ...

Software IP – A Lunch and Learn Seminar for Startups and SMEs, Wednesday 19 March 2025

Software IP – A Lunch and Learn Seminar for Startups and SMEs, Wednesday 19 March 2025

by James Leach

Join us for an insightful seminar at the Greater Manchester Digital Security Hub (DiSH), where James Leach, Partner at Mewburn Ellis LLP will provide practical guidance on using intellectual property ...

Show me the money (and the explanation): eXplainable AI in finance

Show me the money (and the explanation): eXplainable AI in finance

by Alessio Incitti

The AI assurance market in the UK is experiencing rapid growth, with an estimated 524 firms generating £1.01 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA) according to market research published in the UK ...

Living with artificial intelligence: can the law cope?

Living with artificial intelligence: can the law cope?

by Emma Kennaugh-Gallacher

As part of our Thought Leaders series, we explore the copyright issues arising from AI-generated content and the status in patent law of AI-generated inventions.

Emotional Perception AI v UKIPO: Is this the dawning of a new era for AI-related inventions at the UKIPO?

Emotional Perception AI v UKIPO: Is this the dawning of a new era for AI-related inventions at the UKIPO?

by Alex Burns

On 21 November 2023, Mann J handed down his judgment on Emotional Perception AI Ltd v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks [2023] EWHC 2948 (Ch)i, relating to the patentability of ...

IP Protection for software-based products- An Introduction for SMEs

IP Protection for software-based products- An Introduction for SMEs

by James Leach

We are excited to launch our new software resource booklet — 'IP Protection for software-based products - An Introduction for SMEs'.

Gene sequencing accelerates with custom hardware

Gene sequencing accelerates with custom hardware

by Alex Burns

The cost to sequence a genome continues to drop exponentially. Over the past 20 years, the cost to sequence a human genome has dropped from the estimated $3 billion of the Human Genome Project, to a ...

Software IP – A Lunch and Learn Seminar for Startups and SMEs, Wednesday 19 March 2025

Software IP – A Lunch and Learn Seminar for Startups and SMEs, Wednesday 19 March 2025

by James Leach

Join us for an insightful seminar at the Greater Manchester Digital Security Hub (DiSH), where James Leach, Partner at Mewburn Ellis LLP will provide practical guidance on using intellectual property ...

Show me the money (and the explanation): eXplainable AI in finance

Show me the money (and the explanation): eXplainable AI in finance

by Alessio Incitti

The AI assurance market in the UK is experiencing rapid growth, with an estimated 524 firms generating £1.01 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA) according to market research published in the UK ...

Living with artificial intelligence: can the law cope?

Living with artificial intelligence: can the law cope?

by Emma Kennaugh-Gallacher

As part of our Thought Leaders series, we explore the copyright issues arising from AI-generated content and the status in patent law of AI-generated inventions.

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Mewburn Ellis


Mewburn Ellis Forward is a biannual publication that celebrates the best of innovation and exploration. Through its pages we hope to inform and entertain, but also to encourage discussion about the most compelling developments taking place in the scientific and entrepreneurial world. Along the way, we’ll engage with the IP challenges that international organisations face every day.